Saturday, April 30, 2016

Week 1A -What you already know

I found it easier to identify the adult covers.  I scored 13/24.  The children book covers were harder for me because I could recall seeing the cover before but I just couldn't remember what the book was. I scored 4/20. 

I scored a 7/12 on the genre book covers.  I felt pretty confident on this assignment. Question #8 Cover8as Urban Fiction  was a big shocker.

Cindy Orr's Golden Rules are chalked with valuable information. The mistake that I often make is pigeonholing the reader. I have to work on that.

I plan to follow and
Street Fiction seems to be the more user friendly of the bunch.

I have often wondered how much information about a book is given to the book illustrator.

Assignment 1 Blog Created

During the course of this assignment, I hope to add book covers of my favorite books or articles /videos of my favorite authors .